Awards after 2003

May-16 岸 竜弘 時間経過による患者の状態変化が再現できる気管挿管訓練用頭部モデルWKA-3の開発 IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Joint Chapter IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Joint Chapter Young Award 2足
Sep-15 Hiroyuki Ishii A novel method to develop an animal model of depression using a small mobile robot 第32回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 Advanced Robotics Best Paper Award 心理
Sep-15 大谷拓也 骨盤運動に着目した2足走行ロボットの開発(第7報:着地時間推定を用いた連続跳躍の実現) 第32回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 日本ロボット学会 研究奨励賞 2足
Sep-15 橋本健二 ヒト足部の機械的特性を模擬した着靴可能な足部機構の開発 第32回日本ロボット学会学術講演会 日本ロボット学会 研究奨励賞 2足
Jul-15 大谷拓也 骨盤運動に着目した2足走行ロボットの開発(第9報:人間の脚弾性を模擬した下半身ロボットによる矢状面における片脚走行の実現) 2015年度日本IFToMM会議シンポジウム Young Investigator Fund Best Paper Award 2足
Oct-14 G. Trovato, M. Do, M. Kuramochi, M. Zecca, O. Terlemez, T. Asfour, and A. Takanishi A novel culture-dependent gesture selection system for a humanoid robot performing greeting interaction International Conference on Social Robotics, Sydney Best Poster Award 2足
Jun-14 Qing Shi, Hiroyuki Ishii, Yusuke Sugahara, Hikaru Sugita, Atsuo Takanishi, Qiang Huang Control of Posture and Trajectory for a Rat-like Robot Interacting with Multiple Real Rats ICRA 2014 Best cognitive robotics paper - finalist of ICRA 2014 心理
May-14 大谷拓也 骨盤運動に着目した2足走行ロボットの開発(第5報:人間の骨盤動揺と多関節脚の関節弾性を模擬した跳躍ロボット) 第20回日本IFToMM会議シンポジウム Young Investigator Fund Best Paper Award Finalist 2足
May-14 大谷拓也 骨盤運動に着目した2足走行ロボットの開発(第5報:人間の骨盤動揺と多関節脚の関節弾性を模擬した跳躍ロボット) 第20回日本IFToMM会議シンポジウム Young Investigator Fund Best Paper Award Finalist 2足
Oct-13 Martim Brandao, Ricardo Ferreira, Kenji Hashimoto, Jose Santos-Victor and Atsuo Takanishi Active Gaze Strategy for Reducing Map Uncertainty along a Path The 3rd IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics (ISRM 2013) Highly Commented Paper Award 2足
Aug-13 Usama Imtiaz, Luca Bartolomeo, Zhuohua Lin, Salvatore Sessa, Hiroyuki Ishii, Kohei Saito, Massimiliano Zecca, Atsuo Takanishi Design of a Wireless Miniature Low cost EMG Sensor using Gold Plated Dry Electrodes for Biomechanics research IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation Best Paper Finalist WB
Dec-12 Gabriele Trovato, Tatsuhiro Kishi, Nobutsuna Endo, Kenji Hashimoto and Atsuo Takanishi Evaluation Study on Asymmetrical Facial Expressions Generation for Humanoid Robot The 1st International Conference on Innovative Engineering Systems Best Conference Paper Award Finalistt 2足
Dec-12 蒲旭,本橋弘光,大谷拓也,瓜生和寛,八原昌亨,クリチェカ・プシェミスワフ,リン・ゾウワ,ピーターセン・クラウス,橋本健二,セッサ・サルバトーレ,ゼッカ・マッシミリアーノ,高西淳夫 超小型無線慣性センサユニットWB-4の開発−2足ヒューマノイドロボットの脚部姿勢とたわみ量測定− 第13回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会 SI2012 優秀講演賞 2足
Jul-12 Yohan Noh, Chunbao Wang, Mitsuhiro Tokumoto, Hiroyuki Ishii, and Atsuo Takanishi, Kazuyuki Hatake, Satoru Shoji Development of Airway Management Training System WKA-4: Provide Useful Feedback of Trainee Performance to Trainee during Airway Management 2012 ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering (CME 2012) Best Conference Paper Award 医療教育
Dec-10 Yohan Noh 庄司聡 王春宝 徳本光宏 海老原一樹 石井裕之 高西淳夫 中江悠介 松岡紀之 畠和幸 気道管理における肺への空気注入が検知可能なフローセンサの開発とそのセンサを用いた手技評価方法の提案 第12回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部分講演会予稿集 SI2011優秀講演 医療教育
Dec-10 ノ ヨハン,海老原一樹,瀬川正尚,佐藤圭,石井裕之,高西淳夫,庄司聡,畠和幸 気道管理教育訓練システムWKA-4 の開発 第11回 計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部分講演会 第11 回計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部分講演会優秀講演賞 医療教育
Dec-10 S. Sessa, M. Zecca, Z. Lin, L. Bartolomeo, K. Itoh, H. Ishii, Y. Mukaeda, Y. Suzuki, and A. Takanishi Ultra-miniaturized WB-3 Inertial Measurement Unit: performance evaluation of the attitude estimation 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics T.J.Tarn Best Paper in Robotics Finalist WB
Mar-10 Zhuohua Lin, Massimiliano Zecca, Salvatore Sessa, Hiroyuki Ishii, Atsuo Takanishi International Symposium on Robotics and Intelligent Sensors (IRIS2010) Ultra-Miniaturized Inertial Measurement Unit WB-3 for Jaw Movement Analysis during Free Chewing Best Paper Award Finalist WB
Oct-09 Solis J., Petersen K., Ninomiya T., Takeuchi M., Takanishi A. International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems Development of Anthropomorphic Musical Performance Robots: From Understanding the Nature of Music Performance to Its Application to Entertainment Robotics Finalist for the Award on Entertainment Robots and Systems / New Technology Foundation Flute
Jul-09 R. Nakadate, H. Uda, H. Hirano, J. Solis, A. Takanishi, E. Minagawa, M. Sugawara, Kiyomi Niki IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2009) Development of a Robotic Carotid Blood Measurement WTA-1RII:Mechanical Improvement of Gravity Compensation Mechanism and Optimal Link Position of the Parallel Manipulator based on GA Best Student Paper Award Finalist Blood
Oct-08 Kenji Hashimoto, Terumasa Sawato, Akihiro Hayashi, Yuki Yoshimura, Teppei Asano, Kentaro Hattori, Yusuke Sugahara, Hun-ok Lim and Atsuo Takanishi Static and Dynamic Disturbance Compensation Control for a Biped Walking Vehicle The second IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics Finalist for Best Conference Paper and Best Student Paper Loco-motor
Oct-07 Solis J., Taniguchi K., Ninomiya T., Yamamoto T., Takanishi A. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2007) The Waseda Flutist Robot No. 4 Refined IV: Enhancing the sound clarity and the articulation between notes by improving the lips and tonguing mechanisms Award finalist on Entertaiment Robots and System at the IROS 2007, sponsored by the New Techonology Foundation (NTF) Flute
Aug-05 Kazufumi Nishikawa,Young-Kwang Park,Muhamad Aizuddin,Kazuo Yoshinaga,Kouhei Ogura,Mitsuo Umezu,Atsuo Takanishi SICE Annual Conference 2005 Finalist for the SICE Annual Conference Young Author's Award Effective Acquisition of Tactile Information using Carbon Microcoils (CMC) Sensor System Intelligence cluster
Oct-04 Kazufumi Nishikawa, Hideaki Takanobu, Takemi Mochida, Masaaki Honda, Atsuo TakanishiIEEE/RSJ IROS2003 Best Paper Award(Application) Development of a New Human-like Talking Robot Having Advanced Vocal Tract Mechanisms Talking Robot

更新日 17/01/17
名前 Takanishi Laboratory