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Motivation and Research Objective

A Musical-based Interaction System (MbIS) that allows human musicians to interact with the Flutist Robot WF-4RV is proposed:

Figure 1 - Active performance with a human band leads to a positive impression on the audience.

This is achieved by processing acoustic as well as visual sensor input and by mapping those incoming inputs into musical outputs. The system has specific novelties that separate it from other musical interaction systems:

Musical-based Interaction System

The system consists of several modules with different tasks:

Figure 2 - Overview over the Musical-based Interaction System (MbIS).

Figure 3 - The hardware setup underneath the interaction system.

Basic Interaction Level

The basic level of interaction has the following characteristics:

Figure 4 - Principle of operation of the basic interaction level.

Extended Interaction Level

In the extended level interaction interface, our goal is to give the user the possibility to interact with the robot more freely (compared to the basic level):

Figure 5 - Principle of operation of the extended interaction level.

Performance Movies

Basic level interaction performance movie
(right-click to download movie)
Extended level interaction performance movie
(right-click to download movie)

Special Thanks

This research was conducted at the Humanoid Robotics Institute (HRI), Waseda University. It was and is supported by a Grant-in-Aid for the WABOT-HOUSE Project by Gifu Prefecture and the RT-GCOE Global Robot Academia of Waseda University.

WF-4RIV has been designed by 3D CAD software "SolidWorks". Special thanks to SolidWorks Japan K.K. for the software contribution.

Humanoid Robotics Institute,
Waseda University
Wabot-House Laboratory,
Waseda University
Global Robot Academia RT-GCOE
of Waseda University
SolidWorks Japan K.K.

(c) 2010 Takanishi Laboratory